Faunistic notes from Bali, with some new records

  • Bas van Balen
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New records for Ball are provided for Dendrocygna javanica, Accipiter trivigartus, Treron bicincta, Cacomantis sonneratii and Ficedula mugimaki. Also included with the descriptions and discussion of these records are faunistic notes on Tyto alba, Phodilus badius, Glaucidlum castanoptarum, Pycnonotus tmlanicterus, Zoothera sibirica and Zosterops chloris.


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How to Cite
van Balen, B. (1). Faunistic notes from Bali, with some new records. KUKILA, 5(2), 123-132. Retrieved from https://kukila.org/index.php/KKL/article/view/93
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