Jaegers in Indonesian waters

  • Bas van Balen
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An overview is provided of records of the three species of Jaegers in the Indonesian region, Including some hitherto unpublished records of which descriptions are given. All records of Jaegers are from the months September-May. Stercorarlus parasiticus appears to be more common than previously thought and may sometimes have been confused with S. pomarinus. The relative rareness of S. longicaudus may be due to the pelagic character of the species. It is speculated that the El Nino Southern Oscillation of 1982-83 influenced the occurrence of Jaegers in Indonesian waters.


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How to Cite
van Balen, B. (1). Jaegers in Indonesian waters. KUKILA, 5(2), 117-124. Retrieved from https://kukila.org/index.php/KKL/article/view/92
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