Reviews of new publications

  • Derek A Holmes
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MacKinnon, J. 1988. Field guide to the birds of Java and Bali. Jogyakarta:Gadjah Mada University Press.

Holmes, D.A. and Nash, 8.V. 1989. The Birds of Java and Bali. Singapore: Oxford University Press.

Lambert, F. 1988. Th» status of the White-winged Wood Duck in Sumatra, Indonesia: a preliminary assessment. PHPA-AWB/Interwader Report No. 4.

Erftemeijer, P. & Edi Djuharsa. 1988. Survey of coastal wetlands and waterbirds in the Brantas and Solo Deltas, East Java (Indonesia). PHPAAWB/Interwader Report No. 5, Bogor

Erftemeijer, P., Bas van Ba1en Edi Djuharea. 1988. The importance of Segara Anakan for nature conservation, with special reference to its avifauna. PHPA-AWB/INTERWADER Report No. 6, Bogor.


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How to Cite
Holmes, D. A. (1). Reviews of new publications. KUKILA, 4(3-4), 158-165. Retrieved from