Reviews of new publications

  • Derek A Holmes
  • Paul Andrew
Abstract views: 166 , PDF downloads: 55


Dekker, Rene W.R.J. 1990. Conservation and biology of megapodes (Megapodiidae, Galliformes, Aves). PhD Thesis, University of Amsterdam

Silvius, MJ. & A.W. Tauflk. 1990. Conservation and land use of Pulau Kimaam, Irian Jaya. PHPA-AWB/Interwader Report

Silvius, M.J. & M. Zieren. 1990. Three years of wetland and waterbird conservation activities in Indonesia, October 1987 -September 1990. PHPA-AWB.

Erflemeijer, P., G.R. Alien & Zuwendra. 1989. Preliminary resource inventory of Bintuni Bay and recommendations for conservation and management. AWB-PHPA, Bogor.

Gibb, David. 1990. Wallacea. A site guide for birdwatchers.

Croxall, J.P. (Ed.). 1991. Seabird status and conservation: A supplement. ICBPTech. Publ. 11, Cambridge,

IUCN(1990). 1990 IUCN Red list of threatened animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK

Holmes, D.A. & S.V. Nash. 1990. The birds of Sumatra and Kalimantan. Singapore: Oxford University Press


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How to Cite
Holmes, D. A., & Andrew, P. (1). Reviews of new publications. KUKILA, 5(2), 152-160. Retrieved from