Ecology of White-rumped Woodpecker Meiglyptes tristis with reference to vocalisation in Meru Betiri National Park

  • agung sih kurnianto Jember University
  • Waskito Kukuh Wibowo birdpacker
  • Nilasari Dewi Jember University
  • Puji Firmansyah Meru Betiri National Park
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Keywords: ecology, meru betiri, white-rumped woodpecker


White-rumped woodpeckers (Meiglyptes tristis tristis) is endangered species with a lack of records and information in Java. In Meru Betiri National Park, several M. tristis records are very important to be studied in depth. This study aims to compile the M. tristis records in MBNP, vocalisation, and conduct ecological studies of vegetation preferences. There are 7 confirmed records in 2 different resort areas: six in Bandealit (west) and one in Sukamade (east). The combination of coconut plantations and semi-open land is the preference on the first record. The second record figures its presence in habitats very close to humans. Mangroves (Bruguierra sp.) are also used at third record for foraging. The fourth record at Bandealit occurred at the edge of a rubber plantation. Records 5 and 6 occur on the same spot that has a combination of a dense Albizia plantation and polyculture. Record 7 in Sukamade relates to rubber plantations and a polyculture. There are two calls with the first call consisting of 5 notesĀ  and the second call consists of two incomplete notes. It has a duration of silent intervals between calls of 6.32 S.


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How to Cite
kurnianto, agung sih, Wibowo, W. K., Dewi, N., & Firmansyah, P. (2023). Ecology of White-rumped Woodpecker Meiglyptes tristis with reference to vocalisation in Meru Betiri National Park. KUKILA, 24(1), 11-17. Retrieved from
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