Reviews of new publications

  • Derek A Holmes
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Silvius, M.J., A.P.J.M. Steeman, E.T. Berczy, E. Djuharaa & A.M. Taufik. 1987. The Indonesian Wetland Inventory. A preliminary compilation of existing information on wetlands of Indonesia. P.M.P.A., A.W.B./Interwader, EDWIN: Bogor, Indonesia.

Van Marle, J.G. & K.H. Voous. 1988. The birds of Sumatra.British Ornithologists' Union Checklist no. 10. London.

Collar N.J. & P. Andrew 1988. Birds to watch : The ICBP World Checklist of threatened birds. International Council for Bi rd Preservation Technical Publication no. 8.

Amadon, 0. & J. Bull. 1988. Hawks and Owls of the World: a distributional and taxonomic list (with the genus Otus by Marshall, J.T. A B.F. King). Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool. 3 (4): 294-357.


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Collar, N.J. k P. Andrew. 1987 Red data birds; the cochoas. World BirdHatch 9:5.

Land Resources Department. 1988. Review of Phase 1 Results: Sumatra. Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration. Dir.Gen. Settlement Preparation, Ministry of Transmigration, Government of the Republic of Indonesia; and Overseas Development Administration, London.

Marshal, J.T. 1978 Systamatics of smaller Asian night birds based on voice. Ornithologi cal Monographs no. 25 Amer. Orn. Union.

Mees, G.F. 1971. Systematic and faunistic remarks on birds from Borneo and Java, with new records. Zool. Meded. 45; 225- 244.

Mess, G.F. 1980. A Hat of the birds from Bangka Island, Indonesia. Zool. Varhand. 232: 1-176.

Ripley, S.D. & B.M. Beehter. 1965. A revision of the babbler genus Trichastoma and its allies. Ibis 127:495-503.

Robinson, H.C. & C.B. Kloes. 1918. Results of an expedition to Korinchi Peak, Sumatra. Birda. J. Fad. Malay Statea Hus. 8: 81-284.

Salvadori, T. 1879. Catalogo di una collezioni di uccelli fatta nella parte occidentala di Sumatra dal Prof. Odoardo Beccari. Ann. Hue. Civ. Stor. Nat. Ganove. U: 169-253.

Smythles, B.E. 1957. An annotated checklist of the birds of Borneo. Sarawak Hus. J: VII: 523 -818.

White, C.M.N. & M.D. Bruce. 1986. The birds of Wallacea (Sulawesi, the Moluccas, 8, Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia). B.O.U. Checklist no. 7. London.

How to Cite
Holmes, D. A. (1). Reviews of new publications. KUKILA, 4(1-2), 66-82. Retrieved from