Repeated aerial diving, and aerial ingestion of small schooling fish, probably Bilih Mystacoleucus padangensis, by Brahminy Kite

  • Muhammad N. Janra Andalas University in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia Jalan Kampus Unand Limau Manis Pauh Padang, West Sumatra 25163
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Keywords: Brahminy Kite, Bilih fish, Singkarak Lake, repeated aerial feeding,


Many papers have been published on the food and feeding behaviour of the Brahminy Kite Halistur indus. At Singkarak Lake, West Sumatra, a Brahminy Kite was observed repeatedly diving from 10-15 m in the air to snatch small fish from the surface of the water, and eating them in the air. The prey was probably Bilih Mystacoleucos padangensis, a fish species endemic to the lake. Only one fish was taken on each dive, so it was undoubtedly more energy-efficient to eat the prey on the wing than to take it to a perch after each capture, though potential kleptoparasitism by other raptors may have also selected for this feeding behaviour.


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How to Cite
Janra, M. N. (2017). Repeated aerial diving, and aerial ingestion of small schooling fish, probably Bilih Mystacoleucus padangensis, by Brahminy Kite. KUKILA, 20, 27-29. Retrieved from
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