Some biological notes on the Tawny-breasted Parrotfinch <em>Erythrura hyperythra</em>

  • Bas van Balen
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The Tawny-breasted Parrofinch Erythrura hyperythra was described for the first time by Reichenbach in 1862 from a specimen erroneously thought to have been collected in New Guinea. Vordeman (1883) described a second specimen collected in west Java. The parrotfinch has since been reported from Bast Java, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Sulawesi, West and East Malaysia, Luzon and Mindoro. However, because of its rarity and secretive behaviour, very little is known of the bird in nature (but see Burkard, 1982).


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Balen, S. van. 1984. Comparison of bird counts and bird observations in the neighbourhood of Bogor (Indonesia). Private MS.

Bartels, M. 1906. Systematische uebersicht Beiner Java-Vogel. J.fur. orn.

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Burkard, R. 1982. Die Banbuspapageiamadine (Erythrura hyperythra).Gefiederte Welt 106: 92-94.

Hellebrekers, P. Ph.J. s A. Hoogeruerf. 1967. A further contribution to our oological knowledge of the island of Java. Zool. Verh. Leiden 88:1-164.

Hoogerwerf, A. 1949. De avifauna van Tjibodas en omgeving (Java). Buiten-zorg, Java.

McGregor, R.C., 1909.A manual of Philippine birds, part II passerifonnes. Manila.

Reichenbach, L. 1862. Canores exotici.

Robiller, F. 1981. prachtvinken. Elsevier. Amsterdam, Brussels. Translation froni German.

Verheijen, J.A.J. 1984. Breeding season on the island of Flores, Indonesia Ardea 52:194-201.

Vordennan, A.G., 1883. Chlorura hyperythra Rchb een Javaansche vogel.

How to Cite
van Balen, B. (1). Some biological notes on the Tawny-breasted Parrotfinch <em>Erythrura hyperythra</em&gt;. KUKILA, 3(1-2), 55-58. Retrieved from
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