Some bird records from Obi, Maluku

  • M D Linsley
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From 11 to 23 December 1989 a survey was carried out in agricultural and forested areas of northwest Obi. A total of 65 species was recorded, including Obi's only endemic the Carunculated Fruit-dove Ptilinopus granulifrons, in addition to 10 of the island's 19 endemic subspecies and 7 of the island's 15 Moluccan endemics. Nine species, at least four of which may represent resident populations, were recorded for the first time on Obi. Evidence is provided that the Cacatua alba may not occur on this island (contra White & Bruce 1986). Details of observations of species of particular interest are also provided together with an appendix listing other species recorded.


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Goodwin, D. 1983. Pigeons and doves of the world. Ithaca: Comell Univ. Press.

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Lambert, F.R 1993. The status of and trade in North Moluccan Parrots with particular emphasis on Cacatus alba, Lorius garrulus and Eos squamata. IUCN/SSC Trade Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK,

Lambert, F.R. 1994. Notes on the avifauna of Bacan, Kasiruta and Obi, North Moluccas. Kukila 7(1): 1-9.

White, C.M.N. & M.D. Bruee. 1986. The birds of Wallaces (Sulawesi, The Moluccas & Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia): an annotated checklist. London: Brit. Om. Cl. Checklist No. 7.

How to Cite
Linsley, M. D. (1). Some bird records from Obi, Maluku. KUKILA, 7(2), 142-151. Retrieved from
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