Birds of the Bintuni Bay region, Irian Jaya

  • Paul Erftemeijer
  • Gerald Alien
  • . Zuwendra
  • Sergius Kosamah
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A description is given of the birds encountered during an inventory of Bintuni Bay, Irian Jaya, in March-April 1989. The bay Is surrounded by one of the most extensive and least disturbed mangrove swamps in Indonesia. Ninety bird species were encountered, and these are divided into those frequenting the open waters of the bay, intertidal flats, mangroves, nypa swamps and freshwater swamps. The importance of the area for bird conservation is emphasized, and an urgent recommendation Is made for the establishment of the planned nature reserve. An appendix provides details of observations of seven species and breeding records of six species, and a second appendix lists the habitats of every species.


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How to Cite
Erftemeijer, P., Alien, G., Zuwendra, ., & Kosamah, S. (1). Birds of the Bintuni Bay region, Irian Jaya. KUKILA, 5(2), 85-98. Retrieved from
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