Scarlet-headed Flowerpecker <em>Dicaeum trochileum</em> a new bird for Sumatra

  • K David Bishop
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Harvey, W.G. & D.A. Holmes. 1976. Additions to the avifaunas of Sumatra and Kalimantan, Indonesia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 96(3): 90-92.

Holmes, D.A. 1977. Faunistic notes and further additions to the Sumatran avifauna. Bull Brit. Orn. Cl. 97 (2): 68-71.

Hoogerwerf. A. 1948. Contribution to the knowledge of the distribution of birds on the island of Java. Treubia 19(2): 83-137

Salomonsen, F. 1967. Family Dicaeidae (in) Paynter R.A. Jr. Checklist of Birds of the World. 12. 199-200. Mus. of Comp. Zool, Cambridge. Massachusetts.

Smythies, B.E. 1960. The Birds of Borneo. Edinburgh. Oliver & Boyd.

How to Cite
Bishop, K. D. (1). Scarlet-headed Flowerpecker <em>Dicaeum trochileum</em&gt; a new bird for Sumatra. KUKILA, 2(1), 7-8. Retrieved from
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