Reviews of new publications

  • Derek A Holmes
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Chalmers, M.L. 1986. Annotated checklist of the birds of Hongkong, fourth edition. Hongkong Bird Hatching Society.

White, C.M.N. 6 M.D. Bruce. 1986. The Birds of Wallacea (Sulawesi, The Moluccas & Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia). An annotated checklist. Brit. Orn. Union Checklist 7.

Beehler, B.M., Pratt, T.K. S D.A. Zierman. 1986. Birds of New Guinea. Handbook no. 9. Wau Ecology Institute, Papua New Guinea. Princeton University Press.


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Ash, J.S. 1984. Bird observations on Ball. Bull.Brit.Orn.Cl. 104 (1); 24-35.

Bishop, K.D. In prep. The birds of south-east Irian Jaya.

Bruce, M.D. 1986. The birds of Wallacea : some opportunities for field study. Oriental Bird Club Bulletin No. 3: 23-26.

Coates, B.J. 1985. The birds of Papua New Guinea. Vol. no 1. Dove publications. Brisbane.

Diamond, J.M. 1985. New distributional records and taxa from the outlying mountain ranges of New Guinea. Bin 85: 65-91.

Frith, C.B. 1979. Ornithological literature of the Papuan subregion, 1915 to 1976: An Annotated Bibliography. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 164: 377-465.

Katili, J.A. 1978. Past and present geotectonic position of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Tectonophysica 45:289.

Rand, A.L S E.T. Gilliard. 1967. Handbook of New Guinea birds. London. weidenfeld and Nicolson.

How to Cite
Holmes, D. A. (1). Reviews of new publications. KUKILA, 3(1-2), 73-77. Retrieved from