A visit to Gunung Nyiut in West Kalimantan

  • A Prieme
  • M Heegaard
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Almost no ornithological fieldwork has been done in the montane regions of Kalimantan in recent decades (Holmes & Burton 1987). We spent 10 days from 28 August to 6 September 1986 observing birds in Gunung Nyiut Wildlife Refuge, West Kalimantan (110(1 E, 1°N) and hope that our records . will contribute to the distributional knowledge of the avifauna of Borneo.


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How to Cite
Prieme, A., & Heegaard, M. (1). A visit to Gunung Nyiut in West Kalimantan. KUKILA, 3(3-4), 138-140. Retrieved from https://kukila.org/index.php/KKL/article/view/371
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