First record of Grey-streaked Flycatcher in Kalimantan

  • Bas van Balen
  • Simon Aspinall
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On 15 February 1992, while surveying the bird fauna of the Kayan Mentarang proposed national park in East Kalimantan, BvB observed two single, small flycatchers in the primary forest on a ridge above the Anye' Bung rivulet, north of the Lurah river, which is a branch of the Bahau river (at 2°42' N, 115°46' E) north of Peliran. The first bird was observed at 1050m a.s.1. at 10.03 hrs, the second at 12.12 hrs at 1200m in a forest gap on the same ridge.


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How to Cite
van Balen, B., & Aspinall, S. (1). First record of Grey-streaked Flycatcher in Kalimantan. KUKILA, 8, 142-144. Retrieved from
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