Additions to the avifauna of Pulau Alor, Nusa Tenggara

  • Derek A Holmes
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Bruce, M.D. 1987. Addition to the birds of Wallacea. I. Bird records from smaller islands in the Lesser Sundas. Kukila 3: 38-44.

Mason, V. 1991. Ajoumey to the Spice Islands. Bull. Ball Bird Club. 1(1):4-8.

Schmutz, E. 1977. Die Vogel der Manggarai (Flores). Ruteng: Author.

Schmutz, E. 1978. Addenda and corrigenda. Ruteng: Author.

Pizzey, G. 1980. Afield guide to the birds of Australia. Sydney: Collins.

White, C.M.N. & M.D. Bruce. 1986. The birds of Wallacea (Sulawesi, the Moluccas and Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia): an annotated checklist. Brit.Orn.U. Checklist No. 7. London.

How to Cite
Holmes, D. A. (1). Additions to the avifauna of Pulau Alor, Nusa Tenggara. KUKILA, 7(2), 155-157. Retrieved from
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