A Dusky Moorhen nesting in South Sulawesi. A re-identification

  • M Indrawan
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NPIAW. 1985. The waterbirds of Australia. National Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife.Angus & Robertson. Sydney.

Indrawan, M. 1990. ADusky Moorhen nesting in South Sulawesi. Kukila 5 (I): 78.

White, C.M.N. & M.D. Bruce. 1986. The birds of Wallacea (Sulawesi, The Moluccas & Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia). Brit. Orn. Union Checklist No. 7, London).

How to Cite
Indrawan, M. (1). A Dusky Moorhen nesting in South Sulawesi. A re-identification. KUKILA, 5(2), 149. Retrieved from https://kukila.org/index.php/KKL/article/view/102
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